Wednesday 16 October 2013

For the Day to Day

I haven't done just a simple makeup or really a full makeup walk through in a while and seeing as my students are just finishing up with this at school, I figured it be a good time to post this.

To start off... be warned... this is what my face looks like without makeup! Hold your breath!
just kidding its not so bad!  I have a pretty decent skin tone, especially when I am currently super sick. just a bit red which comes with being fair skinned(also the red in my hair brings it out a bit more). You can click on all photos to make them bigger which might help.
I did start off as well with putting my day cream on and had some Vaseline on my lips as they are dry from being sick.

Highlighting & Contouring:
I changed the lighting in the 1st picture so you could see it better.
So I take a highlighter colour and go around my eyes, above my brow, down the middle of my nose, on my cupid's bow(above my lips) and along the bottom of my lips. 
my contour(darker shade than my foundation..coming next) I go all the way around the end of my nose( I think its a bit bulbousy), going along the top of my hairline and then the edge of my jaw line and under my chin.
Done with foundation, stippling it with a foundation brush over the contoured and highlighted areas to blend it better vs. but covering all the work I did. Finalized it with a dusting of loose mineral powder.

Shaping imperfect eyebrows:
I have horrible eyebrows, they have a scar that runs through the right one so its all wavy, they are getting sparser as they used to be, also (no offense to any of my students) but I let them practice on me so they aren't exactly the shape I'd like or the thickness has been taken down so they can learn how to do thinner ones.
I don't do any of the super fancy sculpted eyebrows for a every day look.
I just use a angled brush with a darker red/brown brow shadow and follow my natural shape, filling in spots and creating a bit of a more defined look. I also lengthen them a bit more.

Just a simple daytime smokey (well blended) eye and my average black eyeliner with some just voluminous mascara(not my super dark, super length, super thick mascara)

My Final Look
just added some dark pink lipstick and a touch of light pink blush.

Feelin' Better Already. 
If you have any questions about what I did, used, or questions about how you can do or fix your own makeup feel free to comment here, facebook, email, instagram!

xoxox Mamma S.
comment or email me for questions, ideas and bookings!

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